1-8-2024 / SENWART

Testing a New Chainsaw Machine

1. Remove the spark plug

Pour 3-5 ml of 2-stroke gasoline engine oil into the cylinder, then insert the spark plug and pull the starter lever 5-6 times.

2. Fuel ratio

The fuel used in a two-stroke gasoline engine is a mixture of gasoline and two-stroke gasoline engine oil. The fuel mix ratio (by volume) for the first 10 hours of a new machine is 20:1 (Note: 25:1 for normal use).

3. Commissioning of the new chainsaw

Before commissioning, check that all fasteners are tight and confirm the following steps.

Add the correct amount of fuel.

Turn on the circuit breaker, press the pump ball through the (clear) return line into the fuel, into the tank, close the throttle completely, and then push the throttle lever to the full open position. Lift the starter handle 5-6 times quickly. Open the butterfly valve 1/3-1/2, then quickly lift the starter lever to start the engine smoothly.

The engine should idle for 3-5 minutes, then at medium speed for 2-3 minutes, press the off switch to turn off the engine, and then complete the commissioning process.

  • Tags :
  • chain saw / chainsaw machine / chain saw machine
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